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 Customer Experience-America AAA Group
The news details

Customer Experience
作者:管理员    发布于:2014-08-25 11:17:26    文字:【】【】【
 "John, I was diagnosed with RRMS (Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis) in December 2004. My symptoms have included Optic Neuritis, heavy fatigue, blurred vision and painful joints. General treatments for my exacerbation have included 2-3 weeks of steroid injections and other pharmaceutical drugs, all of which are accompanied by side effects.

I have been taking Green Cell for 3 weeks today, and the difference I feel is nothing short of amazing. My Optic Neuritis has improved immensely. The every day task of working on a computer 8 hours a day is no longer daunting.

Along with my Optic Neuritis is the residual symptom of overheating while exercising, taking a hot bath/shower or just being in the sun. As a result, I experience blurred vision, heavy fatigue and mental fogginess. This is known as Uhthoff’s syndrome and has made staying active difficult. Since taking Neuvitale, I’ve tried exercising at a higher-than-usual intensity. It gives me great pleasure to say that my vision was not blurry! The fog that accompanies the overheating was replaced with an overwhelming urge to run LONGER, HARDER, FASTER! My only frustration was that I didn’t wake up earlier to get in a full hour.

Along with the physical improvements comes a mental clarity I have not experienced in a long time. At work, where I am constantly challenged with maintaining both quality and production standards, the feeling of not being able to keep up no longer exists. My focus has undoubtedly improved, which in turn has greatly reduced my stress levels. Green Cell has given me renewed energy, motivation and focus. It’s a great solution for those looking for a healthy, all-natural alternative and want to! I feel stronger, have more energy and think more clearly. I am a Green Cell user for Life!"
