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 Products quiz-America AAA Group
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Products quiz
作者:管理员    发布于:2014-08-25 11:44:33    文字:【】【】【
摘要:Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about YALAKA Original Essence.

Why does my skin feel "sticky" after using YALAKA Youth Original Essence?

YALAKA Youth Original Essence is rich in collagen that forms a sticky protective layer on the skin to ensure active ingredients are fully absorbed, when used. Stickiness and the duration it last varies depending on skin type. However, after a week, the sticky feeling will diminish and your skin will become healthier!

Is it alright to use make-up after applying YALAKA Youth Original Essence?

YALAKA Youth Original Essence is a multi-function product. It can replace toner, moisturizer and skin treatment products that are used before make-up.
This product will not have any effect on make-up.

Why did I develop acne and skin irritation after using YALAKA Youth Original Essence?

There are several possibilities:

• Oily Skin
Over developed sebaceous glands can cause overactive sebum secretion.
In this situation, cleanse skin thoroughly, dilute the essence with pure water in a 1:1 ratio and cut the application of essence to once a day.

• Make-up
Make-up containing chemicals and hazardous substances can cause an adverse reaction when used with YALAKA Youth Original Essence. Acne will usually improve and disappear after 10 days. Temporarily stop using the essence and resume after symptoms have subsided and skin is back to its normal condition.

• Allergic reaction
It could be due to an allergic reaction to high doses of collagen or an overdose of essence, causing an overdose of nutrition that the skin is unable to absorb. In such cases, dilute essence or stop using temporarily.

• Accelerated metabolism rate
Skin irritation could also be due to the accelerated metabolism rate dehydrating skin after it is replenished with collagen. As the old epidermal cells keep shedding off and new cells keep growing, it may cause temporary skin irritation. If the situation persists, dilute the essence. If it still persist after a few days, stop using for a week, then resume with diluted essence.

Can I use YALAKA Youth Original Essence with sensitive skin?

Firstly, distinguish whether skin is allergic or sensitive. If your skin is allergic, stop all products and look for the allergen. Then, cleanse your skin with water and stop all makeup (including skincare). Secondly, apply cold water (do not use ice). Avoid touching your skin with your hand and avoid seafood, spicy food or food with alcohol. If allergy persists, take some antihistamine. Common allergens include pollen, dust, cosmetics, food, medicine, age, pets, change of season, change of temperature and ultra-violet rays.

Why do some people continue to have allergies after using YALAKA Youth Original Essence?

Everybody's physique changes according to the environment they are in and what they consume. This will affect the skin's condition especially if the immune system is compromised. If this happens, dilute the product with pure water or stop for a few days. Resume after skin and body recovers.

Why do pores dilate after using YALAKA Youth Original Essence?

This normally happens when weather is very dry. Pores dilate when the dermis tries to hydrate the epidermis. When the weather is dry, apply YALAKA Youth Original Essence more frequently to replenish moisture.

Why is my skin darkening after using YALAKA Youth Original Essence?

Skin darkening after a week to 20 days of using YALAKA Youth Original Essence could be due to the detoxification process. If products containing hormones, lead, mercury and other toxic substance were previously used, toxin could have built up in your skin. YALAKA Youth Original Essence stimulates metabolism, breaks down toxins and removes it from your skin. The metabolic cycle of skin is 28 days long. After that, skin will become bright and shiny.

Why can't YALAKA Youth Original Essence be used together with products that contain hormones, lead and mercury?

YALAKA Youth Original Essence is able to reach the dermis directly to break down toxins. If used together with hormones, lead and mercury, it will reduce efficacy and may worsen skin condition. Do not use MAIONE Youth Original Essence with products containing heavy metals.

The weather is hot, how should I use YALAKA Youth Original Essence?

Sebum secretion becomes more active when weather is hot. Adjust usage of essence according to skin condition.

What is the pH for YALAKA Youth Original Essence?

pH 6.2-6.5, similar to our skin's pH.

Would the smell of  YALAKA Youth Original Essence change after sometime?

The product is well sealed. As long as it is not exposed to high temperatures or direct sunlight, the smell will not change.

Can the shelf life reach three years without using preservatives?

YALAKA Youth Original Essence uses extracts from natural ingredients that contain natural preservatives that last for 3 years.

Why does the scent of  YALAKA Youth Original Essence change?

It uses extracts of natural ingredients and does not contain synthetic fragrances in order to keep its natural scent. The scent may differ according to weather and environmental conditions in which the natural ingredients grow but this will not affect the product's efficacy.

Does YALAKA Youth Original Essence contain any prohibited ingredients or hormones?

Other than natural extracts and cutting-edge anti-aging ingredients, there are no other chemical additives. It has been widely tested and certified.